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​Every object or piece of artwork is treated with respect, using archival products and techniques that endure.

Frame & Frame sealer

99% UV Filtering Glass
Artcare Mat
 Artcare Backing
Backing board

layers to frame
fan of matboard colours

Crescent Ragmat and Select Conservation Boards 

  • Crescent’s RagMat, is the industry’s most trusted brand of cotton rag matboard. Virtually all museums and libraries rely on cotton rag matboard, often referred to as museum board.  Cotton fiber is naturally free of lignin and acids. It contains no alum and no harsh chemicals.

  • Crescent Select is Acid free and Lignin free, made of 100% virgin alpha celluose. 

  • Both Rag and Se;ect ranges use bleed and fade resistant surface papaers that meet conservation requirments.

artglass protecting art


UV light in sunlight and artificial lighting can be artworks worst enemy.  It's energy is absorbed by paint, ink, canvas and paper, causing photochemical reactipons and molecular damage that result in yellowing, discolouration and fading.  Once light damage occiurs, it is irreversable, so the key is in prevention. 


Artglass premium products filter out 70-99% of harmful UV, retaining the vibrancy of colour, and condition of your works.​

See Examples in the Gallery Section

     Call us today 021 0228 3240    

Marie Rhodes GCF all rights reserved 

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